(1) The release of version 7.0 of the Science Analysis System (SAS) in June 2006, incorporating many enhancements; see for more details. The next release (v7.1) will occur in Summer of 2007. The XMM archive has been reprocessed as well, and this data will be available for download from the XMM-Newton Science Archive ( _data_acc/xsa/index.shtml) shortly.
Howard Stern Show Archive Download
The GLAST-sponsored PBS NOVA special "Monster of the Milky Way" firstaired on October 31, 2006, and can be downloaded at The accompanying planetariumshow, "Black Holes: the Other Side of Infinity," is now playing atChicago's Adler Planetarium. Many attendees enjoyed a special Februaryscreening at the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, which washeld in conjunction with the first GLAST Science Symposium at StanfordUniversity. Sarah Silva and her colleagues presented the educationalaspects of this show in a poster at the January AAS meeting inSeattle. 2ff7e9595c